Newbies to the iOS -Operating system that runs apple devices Iphone, Ipod touch and Ipad- here are a few Apps to get you started on your merry way. Download them direct from the Apple Store today.

apple apps part1- for newbies    

Find My iPhone  This app works with iPhone and iPad as well, and it should be one of the first apps that you download. You never know when something might happen to your iPad, either through an accident of your own or stolen. With Find My iPhone and its integrated iCloud support, you can track your iPad wherever it’s at (if it’s 3G or when it connects to Wi-Fi) which may just help you find a lost or stolen device one day.

Dropbox – You probably already use Dropbox on your computer and your smartphone, so this is one app that you will want to download right away so that you can have access to all of your important files, photos, and videos anywhere you are as long as you have a Wi-Fi or 3G connection. You can use it to share photos, documents, and videos with friends and clients, no matter where they’re located.

Google Earth– This works just like Google Earth on the web, but it looks so much cooler in tablet form with touchscreen controls. Fly to far corners of the planet with just the swipe of a finger and explore high-resolution imagery of over half the world’s population and a third of the world’s landmass using images taken from global satellites.

Dragon Dictation – Dragon Dictation is a well-known and easy to use voice recognition app that allows you to speak your text or email messages. Using the iPad’s keyboard isn’t always the easiest task, especially for longer documents and messages, and those add-on keyboards can be pretty expensive. With this app, you can bypass both of those problems and dictate your information to your iPad using just your voice. This app supports a multitude of languages.

Gmail- Speed, better search functions, and color-coded threading make the standaloneGmail iPhone app preferable to the built-in Mail app (where you can access Gmail). The Gmail app for iOS 4 and later, made by Google, gives users another choice for managing email. It allows iPhone users to decide what they value in an email app. Do you value search capability over text displayed at readable sizes? Is it more important for your various email accounts to be managed in one app, as Mail arranges them, or would you rather have a dedicated app just for Gmail that looks more like Gmail on the web, with color-coded threading? The Gmail app searches your entire email so much easier and faster than the pre-installed Mail app.

Evernote- This free, straightforward note-making app outrivals most 
competing apps thanks to its strong search capabilities and effortless organization. But the real key to its success and popularity is that Evernote synchronizes all your files by saving them to a cloud service, meaning anything you create or alter from your iPhone will be there waiting for you when you log into any other version of Evernote.

iBOOKS – With this app You don’t need to own or buy any ebooks to get plenty out of this app – Apple offers a number of free books. There are thousands of books in the public domain, which you can enjoy for free.  And you can buy in the iBookstore. You might also want to try Kindle App or the Nook App

Skype- Is one of the best, free communication tools for the iPhone. As of version 3.0, the app lets you make video calls. As with other versions of Skype, you can all or chat with other Skype users at no charge, or buy credit to call any other phone number, landline or mobile.

WhatsApp Messenger- The WhatsApp Messenger should be on your list of apps to download. It's a cross-platform smartphone messenger that uses 3G/EDGE or Wi-Fi when available to deliver messages, and it uses push notifications to alert you to incoming messages.

Twitter- For a long time, Dozens of third parties developed twitter apps, however,not all the resulting apps were worth using. So when Twitter released its official app and it worked well and loaded quickly! If you tweet, it's a no-brainer to have this app. 
Facebook- Social networks thrive with a reliable app you've got to be social on the go and Facebook's for iPhone is solid. Despite occasional crashes, Facebook loads pretty fast and has a decent interface for viewing photos

HootSuite- HootSuite for iPhone is a social media aggregation app, meaning it lets you manage up to five profiles on Facebook, Twitter, and Foursquare, all from one central interface. You can also upgrade to the premium version of the tool ($5.99 per month thus if you want to use in conjunction with HootSuite’s desktop version), which gives you an unlimited number of profiles to manage, as well as more data about the effects of your social networking outreach.

In part two we will be featuring the our top picks for productivity apps

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